Our faculty invest significant time teaching and mentoring learners. Over 4,000 educational and clinical point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) exams are reviewed by ultrasound faculty annually, primarily through weekly image review sessions between faculty and learners
Our emergency medicine residents consistently exceed ACGME ultrasound milestone competency expectations and are competitive at SonoGames during the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) annual meeting. (Noteworthy mention: our 2021 resident team finished second in the nation!)
Resident education
Ultrasound education is heavily concentrated in the PGY-1 year to give all interns the skills to expand their clinical use and application of point-of-care ultrasound. The first year includes a focused orientation and training session and month-long rotation, during which residents obtain the skills to perform most of the core clinical exams that they will continue to practice over the rest of residency.
Ultrasound education continues throughout the three years of residency at UW with didactics and hands-on skills practice within the resident conferences, as well as options for ultrasound elective shifts and opportunities to teach medical students and PGY-1 interns during their four-week orientation. All resident and faculty educational ultrasounds are reviewed by fellowship-trained ultrasound faculty who provide focused feedback to help providers expand and hone their skills.
Ultrasound education is incorporated into EM resident conference, via an awarding winning longitudinal innovative small group workshop series that covers all 12 clinical emergency ultrasound indications recognized by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).
Medical student education
Our medical student ultrasound elective is consistently highly rated with a waiting list each year. Our faculty lead medical student education in POCUS, the Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG), and EM’s advanced elective students. Our team was recognized for our high-quality ultrasound offerings and approached by the medical school to provide more; in response, we developed a high impact ultrasound training session for more than 100 graduating fourth-year students that we proctor each year.