Archived post—this event has already occurred and registration is closed.
We invite all members of the health sciences community to listen to Michael Pulia, MD, MS present on ED infection control during the pandemic at the upcoming HHS/ASPR COVID-19 Clinical Rounds on Thursday, October 22nd from 11am-noon CST.
Dr. Pulia is the director of the Emergency Care for Infectious Diseases (EC-ID) research program at UW, as well as the director of emergency medicine antimicrobial stewardship. In these capacities, he leads a health services research program focused primarily on improving antimicrobial stewardship in the emergency department and acute care settings. Dr. Pulia’s program has been supported by intra- and extramural sources, including the Wisconsin Partnership Program and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), in collaboration with the National Ebola and Special Pathogens Training and Education Centers (NETEC), and Project ECHO, launched a series of COVID-19 Clinical Rounds on March 24th.
The aim is to create peer-to-peer learning networks where clinicians who have more experience treating patients with COVID-19 share their challenges and successes with clinicians across the U.S. and around the world with a wide variety of experience treating COVID-19.
Each Clinical Rounds session includes brief presentations from experienced expert clinicians; the presentations have included representatives from Bellevue Hospital in New York City, Emory University, University of Minnesota, University of Washington, and Nebraska Medicine, and now the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, affiliated with UW Health and the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics.
Representatives from more than 15 relevant national professional organizations round out the panel of expert discussants.
The majority of each session is spent in discussion related to Q&A generated by the participants. As of mid-April more than 7500 people from all 50 states and more than 30 countries have participated in the sessions.