Dr. Repplinger contributes to regional efforts to improve care for psychiatric patients in the emergency department

Dr. Michael Repplinger, Co-Chair of the WPA-WACEP Emergency Psych Task Force, participated as a panelist during the October 19, 2020 webinar update by the WPA-WACEP (Wisconsin Psychiatric Association – Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians) Emergency Psych Task Force.

The webinar focused on advances in medical stabilization for psychiatric patients in the emergency department.

Dr. Repplinger, Co-Chair of the task force, and task force members discussed their white paper, “‘Medical Clearance’ of Patients With Acute Mental Health Needs in the Emergency Department: A Literature Review and Practice Recommendations,” which was published in WMJ (Jan. 2020), as well as the resulting Wisconsin SMART form to assist in the emergency medical treatment process for patients with mental health needs.

A recording of the webinar is available for on-demand streaming here.

The Emergency Psych Task Force is an ongoing and unique collaboration between the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association and the Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians whose aim is to address issues pertaining to quality of care, patient safety, and to be a primary source of subject matter expertise to elected officials, those with policy oversight, and other stakeholders.