Dr. Michael Lohmeier, emergency medicine physician, UW Health, and associate professor of emergency medicine, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, has been appointed to a new Medical Advisory Team for Dane County Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Dr. Lohmeier joins Kacey Kronenfeld, MD, and Jeff Vanbendegom, MD on the Medical Advisory Team.
In its announcement of the new advisory team, Carrie Meier, Assistant Director of Dane County Emergency Management, stated, “Our movement towards joint Medical Advisors reflects the collaborative nature of our EMS community. The EMS agencies in and around Dane County continue to support and elevate one another in the interest of better patient care.
“Dr. Kronenfeld, Dr. Lohmeier, and Dr. Vanbendegom are well respected among the EMS and Hospital community and have extensive knowledge in adult and pediatric emergency medicine.”
The move toward a joint Medical Advisory board from single Medical Director oversight is focused on providing excellent evidence-based care, meeting the needs of the community and local medical providers, and doing so as efficiently and effectively as possible.
“I’m very excited for the opportunity to work with Dane County EMS again. I think that we have an outstanding field of EMS and public safety providers, who truly make Dane County one of the best – and safest – places in the world to live,” said Dr. Lohmeier.
Dr. Lohmeier is board-certified in emergency medicine and EMS and brings a wealth of knowledge in prehospital medicine to the role. In addition to serving as Chief of EMS at the UW Department of Emergency Medicine and Medical Director of the UW Health Emergency Education Center, he has served local EMS agencies for more than 10 years through collaborative efforts including pandemic response, protocol development, on-scene physician response, EMS education and training, and mass casualty and disaster preparedness.
“I’m excited to get to work with such a talented field of EMS providers and amazing medical directors, all combined with the passion and dedication of the EMS Office,” noted Lohmeier, who is committed to improving patient- and provider-focused EMS care delivery and building community resilience.