In conjunction with the UW Health Emergency Education Center and Teleflex, the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine is proud to sponsor an incredible, hands-on learning opportunity for providers who work in a healthcare or prehospital setting that utilizes IOs or airway management:
Procedural Cadaver Lab
October 19 and 20, 2021
Emergency Education Center
610 N. Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53705
Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your skills through a procedural cadaver lab. The lab is taught with multiple learning modalities including didactic and hands-on practice on cadaveric specimens and simulation aids. EMS faculty from the University of Wisconsin—Madison will be on hand to assist with training and answer questions.
Case studies and patient care scenarios are applied in simulated clinical settings to help you improve your skills to make well-informed decisions for optimal patient care. CEUs will be awarded.
Labs are two days, October 19 and 20, with sessions all day from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Two tracks will be offered: an EZ-IO track (about 1.5 hours to complete) and an Airway Management Track (1 hour to complete). To participate in both sessions, participants need to register for both sessions.
Registration has closed.