Emergency Medicine faculty, fellows and alumna recognized for editorial contributions

Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WestJEM): Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health (WestJEM) is the premier open-access Medline-indexed EM journal in the world.

As the official journal of California ACEP, American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians and the California chapter of American Academy of Emergency Medicine, the journal focuses on how emergency care affects health and health disparities in communities and populations. Additionally, WestJEM focuses on how social conditions impact the composition of patients seeking care in emergency departments worldwide.

The WestJEM Special Issue in Educational Research & Practice was published January 2023 in partnership with the Clerkship Directors in Emergency Medicine (CDEM) and the Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine (CORD-EM). The following faculty, fellows and alumna were recognized for their contributions as reviewers for this special journal issue:

Gold Standard Reviewers
  • Thaddeus Schmitt, MD, Education Scholarship Fellow
  • Lauren Willoughby, MD, Education Scholarship Fellow
Quality Peer Reviewer
  • Corlin Jewell, MD, Assistant Professor
CDEM/CORD Guest Consulting Editor
  • Holly Caretta-Weyer, MD, MHPE, Alumna (PG’16)

Additionally, Department of Emergency Medicine researchers published the following brief research report in the issue:

  • “Number of Patient Encounters in Emergency Medicine Residency Does Not Correlate with In-Training Exam Domain Scores.” Kern, Michael W., Jewell, Corlin M., Hekman, Dann J., Schnapp, Benjamin H. Read online.

WestJEM publishes six full-text online issues and four print issues per year for the sponsoring societies and subscribing departments. WestJEM actively supports scholarly publishing from junior faculty by devoting additional space, consideration and editorial support.