Presentations at the 30th Annual Wisconsin Emergency Medicine Research Forum

Congratulations to everyone accepted to present at the 2022 Emergency Medicine Research Forum on Thursday, April 21, 2022:

Oral Presentations

Gifford A, Maru A, Raven M, Wang R, Shah MN. “An Examination of N95 Mask Reuse and Extended Use in the Emergency Department”

Gifford A, Green RK, Jacobsohn GC, Cochran AL, Caprio TV, Cushman JT, Jones CMC, Kind AJH, Lohmeier M, Shah MN. “Scalar Assessment of the Family Caregiver Activation in Transitions Tool: An Exploratory Factor Analysis”Gladhill G, Schwei R, Pulia MS. “Comparing Interspecialty Diagnostic Confidence and Accuracy of Cellulitis Diagnosis”Okiror W, Schmidt J, Olupot-olupot P. “Assessment of Acceptability and Feasibility of Point of Care Ultrasound for Children in Eastern Uganda”

Poster Presentations

Bandara T, Lukasik M, Maru A, Jacobsohn GC, Caprio TV, Cushman JT, Jones CMC, Kind AJH, Lohmeier M, Shah MN. “A Retrospective Content Analysis of Coach-facilitated Goal Setting by Older Adults Following ED Discharge”

Robison R, Schwei R, Gustafson S, Broghammer C, Herrin R, Rogus-Pulia N, Pulia MS. “Beyond Pathogens: Dysphagia and Frailty Profiles in Older Adults with Pneumonia”

Rebella G, Troger A. “Traditional vs. Digital Otoscopy: Emergency Physician Preferences”