Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi, PhD, RN, is among three UW–Madison researchers to be awarded research grants by the Alzheimer’s Association…
Grants & Awards
Laura Block awarded Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral research fellowship to study Alzheimer’s disease and mental illness co-occurrence in nursing home residents
Laura Block, a Research Program Coordinator in the Gilmore-Bykovskyi Lab and PhD nursing student, has been awarded a national fellowship to support her dissertation research and training.
UW–Madison remains a top 10 research institution, according to National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation has ranked UW–Madison eighth among the nation’s public and private universities in its 2021 fiscal year Higher Education Research & Development…
Azita Hamedani honored with 2022 GWIMS Impact Award
Azita Hamedani, MD, MPH, MBA, was honored with a 2022 Impact Award from the UW School of Medicine and Public Health chapter of the Group on Women and Medicine in Science (GWIMS)…
Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi to lead UW-Madison efforts testing dementia care app
The I-CARE 2 RCT: Telehealth to Reduce Alzheimer’s-related Symptoms for Caregivers and Patients study is funded by $4 million from the National Institute on Aging to evaluate…