Dr. Michael Spigner seves as the academic partner for a Wisconsin Partnership Program community impact grant that will fund a career pathway…
Madison Fire ambulances, community paramedics to carry Buprenorphine
Under the medical direction of Megan Gussick, MD, the FDA-approved medication will help those struggling with opioid addiction…
Division of Prehospital Medicine faculty speak at 2024 Wisconsin EMS Association regional conference
Dr. Michael Kim and Dr. Kerry Ahrens led skills labs and presented on pediatric emergencies and toxicology, respectively…
Michael Spigner recognized by the National Association of EMS Physicians for excellence and potential as an early career medical director
Dr. Spigner received the 2024 National EMS Medicine Early Career Medical Director Award earlier this month…
Med Flight faculty and fellows present at NAEMSP24, Air Medical Physician Symposium
Faculty and fellows of the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine and UW Health Med Flight presented at two national conferences…