We are proud to recognize Jessi Evans Kendall, BSN, RN, who received a Top Nurses 2022 Leadership Award from Madison Magazine for her work in and beyond UW Health…
Researchers identify ways to improve emergency care for people living with dementia
A new collection of research papers from the GEAR Netowrk sets out priority areas to better provide emergency care for people living with dementia in the United States…
Global Emergency Medicine Fellowship now SAEM-approved
Congratulations to our Global Health Section on obtaining approval for its global emergency medicine fellowship from the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)…
New study in collaboration with UW School of Pharmacy uses game-based learning to teach opioid safety
Prescription drug misuse is one of the fastest growing drug problems in the United States today. The misuse of prescription opioids in particular is a challenging problem…
Chris Ford, residency class of 2017, interviewed by PBS Wisconsin on pregnancy and serious conditions
Dr. Christopher Ford spoke to PBS Wisconsin about efforts by Wisconsin physicians preparing to treat more pregnant patients with critical health issues given less access to medically safe…