U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week, Nov. 18-24, 2023, highlighted the need for careful stewardship of antibiotics.
Dr. Michael Pulia, associate professor of emergency medicine and director of the federally funded emergency care for infectious diseases research program, took to media outlets statewide to share messages about the dangers of antimicrobial resistance that results from overusing antibiotics. He emphasized that overuse of antibiotics leads to resistant bacterial infections (“super-bugs”) at the community and hospital level.
“Antibiotics are powerful tools to cure deadly diseases, but we have to manage their use carefully or they will no longer remain the life-saving treatments that we rely on,” he said.
Below are interviews and articles published surrounding U.S. Antibiotic Awareness Week that include expert commentary from Dr. Pulia.
November 20: UW Health warns of antibiotic overuse during Antibiotic Awareness Week Source: Channel3000 (Madison, Wis.) |
November 20: UW Health warns of antibiotic overuse during Antibiotic Awareness Week Source: FOX 47 (Madison, Wis.) |
November 20: UW Health warns of antibiotic overuse during Antibiotic Awareness Week Source: News8000 (La Crosse, Wis.) |
November 20: UW Health sharing pros and cons of antibiotics use Source: ABC 18 (Eau Claire, Wis.) |
November 21: Health experts urge proper use of antibiotics amidst awareness week Source: ABC 2 (Green Bay, Wis.) |
November 21: Physician explains how to safely administer antibiotics Source: CBS 23 (Rockford, Ill.) |
November 21: Managing the use of antibiotics Source: CBS 7 (Wausau, Wis.) |
November 24: Managing the use of antibiotics Source: K8 News (Northeast Ark., Southeast Mo.) |
December 1: Bugs, Drugs, And Press Ganey Scores: Antimicrobial Stewardship Source: Health Reporter (International) |